Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc.
Harvest takes place very early in the morning to protect grapes from oxidation. This is the time when the temperature is at its lowest during the day.
After squeezing and cleaning the grapes, the must is macerated with the peel, in order to get the first aromatic notes. This process is done at low temperatures to ensure a good quality. After maceration, it’s time to clean the must, also at low temperature. In this part of the process, it is pursued to get the must as clean as possible to avoid undesired odor or taste.
Fermentation at controled temperature (59 ºF) allows to maintain the generated aromas and the elegance this kind of wine should posses. The fermentation process, suffers a slowdown beacause the low temperature, and it could last a month. This makes the elaboration process more difficult than usual, therefore, to obtained the desired result, more caring steps must be taken.
Elaboration is oriented to produce an original white wine, using French varieties in the dry and hot summers of Toledo, blended with a traditional white grape like Airén. Keeping the characteristics of these wines, we find a greater complexity when tasting them.
It’s colour is intense yellow with greenish and gold tonalities. Shiny and transparent. The aroma reminds the varieties of wine’s source, highlighting pineapple and banana with a slight variation of ripe fruit.
Silky, balanced and persistent pace, slightly refreshing.